Identifying climate-ready plant for urban environment: Integrating machine learning with traditional plant selection tools. CHEN Maini, DANG Anrong*, LI Xiangyu, HUANG Jingxiong, WENG Yang Weng. Urban Forestry &Urban Greening, 2024, 102: 128559
DOI: 10.1016/j.ufug.2024.128559
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基于通勤流分析的城市多中心空间结构评估与优化方法——以京津冀大都市区为例. 马琦伟, 黄竞雄, 刘安琪, 党安荣*. 地球信息科学学报, 2024.(网络首发)
Evaluation and optimization method of urban polycentric spatial structure based on commuting flow analysis: A case study of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei metropolitan area. MA Qiwei, HUANG Jingxiong, LIU Anqi, DANG Anrong*. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2024. (Online)
DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2024.240001
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What is the outdoor thermal comfort (OTC) threshold in Gulangyu, China: An empirical study. YANG Mengsheng, LI Yuan, DU Yanan, WANG Yingfeng, FEI Wenyi, HUANG Jingxiong, LIANG Jiaqi. Urban Climate, 2024, 56: 102086.
DOI: 10.1016/j.uclim.2024.102086
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Evaluating tourist perceptions of architectural heritage values at a World Heritage Site in South-East China: The case of Gulangyu Island. LI Yuan, LIANG Jiaqi, HUANG Jingxiong, SHEN Han*, LI Xin, LAW Andrew. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 2024, 60: 127-140.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jhtm.2024.06.018
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基于视觉偏好的人流模拟及旅游线路优化研究——以鼓浪屿为例. 黄竞雄, 梁嘉祺, 杨盟盛, 李渊*. 旅游学刊, 2024, 39(6): 85-100.
Research on flow simulation and tourism routes optimization based on visual preference: A case study of Gulangyu Island. HUANG Jingxiong, LIANG Jiaqi, YANG Mengsheng, LI Yuan*. Tourism Tribune, 2024, 39(6): 85-100.
DOI: 10.19765/j.cnki.1002-5006.2024.06.011
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中国城市规划管理现代化发展进程与趋势. 黄竞雄, 党安荣*, 李翔宇, 陈麦尼. 科技导报, 2024, 42(6): 51-60.
History and trends of urban planning and management modernization in China. HUANG Jingxiong, DANG Anrong*, LI Xiangyu, Chen Maini. Science & Technology Review, 2024, 42(6): 51-60.
DOI: 10.3981/j.issn.1000-7857.2024.06.006
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基于街景图像的旅游地街道空间视觉品质评价方法研究. 黄竞雄, 梁嘉祺, 杨盟盛, 李渊*. 地球信息科学学报 , 2024, 26(2): 352-366.
Street space visual quality evaluating method of tourism sites based on street view images. HUANG Jingxiong, LIANG Jiaqi, YANG Mengsheng, LI Yuan*. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2024, 26(2): 352-366.
DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2024.220404
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道器相融:从技能到思维到融通——厦门大学“国土空间规划信息技术”课程教学创新与实践. 李渊, 黄竞雄, 梁嘉祺. 中国建筑教育, 2023(1): 167-172.
The Integration of Tao and Utensils: From Skills to Thinking to Integration——Teaching Innovation and Practice of “Information Technology of Territory Spatial Planning” in Xiamen University. LI Yuan, HUANG Jingxiong, LIANG Jiaqi. China Architectural Education, 2023(1): 167-172.
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A novel outdoor thermal comfort simulation model for heritage environments (OTC-SM-HE): verify the effectiveness in Gulangyu, China. LI Yuan, YANG Mengsheng, BAI Huanxia, LI Rui, LIANG Jiaqi, HUANG Jingxiong, DU Yanan. Building and Environment, 2023, 242: 110568.
DOI: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2023.110568
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Visual Preference Analysis and Planning Responses Based on Street View Images: A Case Study of Gulangyu Island, China. HUANG Jingxiong, LIANG Jiaqi, YANG Mengsheng, LI Yuan*. Land, 2023, 12(1): 129.
DOI: 10.3390/land12010129
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基于数字技术的《环境行为学》教学改革研究. 李渊, 黄竞雄, 杨盟盛, 梁嘉祺, 李芝也. 中国建筑教育, 2022(1): 22-26.
Research on Teaching Reform of “Environmental Behavior” Based on Digital Technology. LI Yuan, HUANG Jingxiong, YANG Mengsheng, LIANG Jiaqi, LI Zhiye. China Architectural Education, 2022(1): 22-26.
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Would you accept virtual tourism? The impact of COVID-19 risk perception on technology acceptance from a comparative perspective. LI Yuan, LIANG Jiaqi, HUANG Jingxiong, YANG Mengsheng, LI Runyan, BAI Huanxia. Sustainability, 14(19): 12693.
DOI: 10.3390/su141912693
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Behavioral Research in Construction Engineering Management: A Review from a Neuropsychological Perspective. LI Yuan, LIANG Jiaqi, HUANG Jingxiong, YANG Mengsheng, LI Runyan. Buildings, 2022, 12(10): 1591.
DOI: 10.3390/buildings12101591
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文化遗产地商业街道空间视觉吸引力及其感知的影响因素研究 ——以鼓浪屿龙头路为例. 李渊, 黄竞雄, 梁嘉祺, 张宇, 陈瑶. 西部人居环境学刊, 2022, 37(2): 114-121.
Research on Visual Attraction and Influencing Factors of Perception of Commercial Street Space in Cultural Heritage Site: Taking Gulangyu Longtou Road as an Example. LI Yuan, HUANG Jingxiong, LIANG Jiaqi, ZHANG Yu, CHEN Yao. Journal of Human Settlements in West China, 2022, 37(2): 114-121.
DOI: 10.13791/j.cnki.hsfwest.20220216
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面向街景感知提升的旅游者视觉偏好特征与街道空间优化研究 ——以鼓浪屿为例. 黄竞雄. 厦门: 厦门大学, 2022.
Research of Tourists’ Visual Preference Features and Street Space Optimization for Improvement of Street View Perception: A Case Study of Gulangyu. HUANG Jingxiong, Xiamen: Xiamen University, 2022.
DOI: 10.27424/d.cnki.gxmdu.2022.002867
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基于不同人群的红色旅游路线规划实证研究——以鼓浪屿为例. 李渊, 尚小钰, 徐钲砚, 黄振锋, 黄竞雄, 陈潆馨. 旅游论坛, 2022, 15(2): 45-54.
An Empirical Study of Red Tourism Routes Planning Based on Different Groups of Tourists: A Case Study of Gulangyu. LI Yuan, SHANG Xiaoyu, XU Zhengyan, HUANG Zhenfeng, HUANG Jingxiong, CHEN Yingxin. Tourism Forum. 2022, 15(2): 45-54.
DOI: 10.15962/j.cnki.tourismforum.202202015
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海岛型旅游地空间形态对旅游者行为的影响研究——以福建省5个旅游岛为例. 李渊, 郭晶, 黄竞雄, 梁嘉祺. 旅游学刊, 2022, 37(6): 27-42.
Research on the influence of the spatial form of island-type tourism destination on tourists’ behaviour: The case of five travel islands in Fujian. LI Yuan, GUO Jing, HUANG Jingxiong, LIANG Jiaqi. Tourism Tribune, 2022, 37(6): 27-42.
DOI: 10.19765/j.cnki.1002-5006.2022.00.002
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基于空间图式与空间句法的跨文化居住空间隐性要素归因. 李渊, 张娜, 黄竞雄. 中外建筑, 2021(11): 94-100.
Attribution of implicit elements of cross-cultural residential space based on Spatial schema and syntactic analysis: Take Bagua building of Gulangyu historical international settlement as an example. LI Yuan, ZHANG Na, HUANG Jingxiong. Chinese & Overseas Architecture, 2021(11): 94-100.
DOI: 10.19940/j.cnki.1008-0422.2021.11.012
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“合院”类型在展览建筑中的设计探索. 张娜, 王公睿, 黄竞雄*. 城市建筑, 2021, 18(31): 100-104.
Design Exploration of “Heyuan” Typology in Exhibition Architecture. ZHANG Na, WANG Gongrui, HUANG Jingxiong*. Urbanism and Architecture, 2021, 18(31): 100-104.
DOI: 10.19892/j.cnki.csjz.2021.31.21
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采用SP法的鼓浪屿风琴博物馆展陈空间游览偏好研究. 李渊, 黄竞雄, 王灿, 陈瑶, 华侨大学学报(自然科学版), 2021, 42(4): 474-482.
Research of Tourism Preference for Gulangyu Organ Museum Exhibition Space Based on SP Method. LI Yuan, HUANG Jingxiong, WANG Can, Chen Yao, Journal of Huaqiao University (Natural Science), 2021, 42(4): 474-482.
DOI: 10.11830/ISSN.1000-5013.202101031
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Research Frameworks, Methodology, and Assessment Methods, Concerning the Adaptive Reuse of Architectural Heritage: A Review. LI Yuan, ZHAO Long, HUANG Jingxiong, Andrew Law, Built Heritage, 2021, 5(1): 6.
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基于旅游者网络评分的民宿竞争力评价研究——以鼓浪屿为例. 黄柔柔, 李渊*, 黄竞雄, 旅游论坛, 2021, 14(1): 27-40.
Analysis of Competitiveness of Bed & Breakfast Based on Tourist Internet Scoring: A Case Study of Kulangsu. HUANG Rourou, LI Yuan*, HUANG Jingxiong, Tourism Forum, 2021, 14(1): 27-40.
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海岛旅游地国土空间开发适宜性评价与优化策略——以普陀山为例. 李渊, 黄竞雄, 李莹, 城市建筑, 2021, 18(4): 39-44.
Suitability Evaluation and Optimization Strategy for Land Development in Island Tourism Destinations: A Case of Mount Putuo. LI Yuan, HUANG Jingxiong, LI Ying, Urbanism and Architecture, 2021, 18(4): 39-44.
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基于BIM技术的建筑遗产信息管理初探——以鼓浪屿八卦楼为例. 李渊, 陈瑶, 张可寒, 黄竞雄, 城市建筑, 2020, 17(31): 110-113.
Preliminary Study on the Information Management of Architectural Heritage Based on BIM Technology: A Case of Eight Diagrams House in Kulangsu. LI Yuan, CHEN Yao, ZHANG Kehan, HUANG Jingxiong, Urbanism and Architecture, 2020, 17(31): 110-113.
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基于绿视衰减曲线的历史街区步行环境绿视感知评价——以厦门市中山路同文片区为例. 李渊, 黄竞雄, 风景园林, 2020, 27(11): 110-115.
Evaluation of Green View Perception of Walking Environment in Historical Blocks Based on Green View Attenuation Curve: A Case Study of Tongwen Area, Zhongshan Road of Xiamen. LI Yuan, HUANG Jingxiong, Landscape Architecture, 2020, 27(11): 110-115.
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基于共生理论的历史文化街区旅游概念规划研究——以厦门市中山路片区为例. 李渊, 黄竞雄, 李芝也, 中国名城, 2020(9): 35-41.
Research on Conceptual Tourism Planning of Xiamen Zhongshan Historical and Cultural Block Based on Symbiosis Theory. LI Yuan, HUANG Jingxiong, LI Zhiye, China Ancient City, 2020(9): 35-41.
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环境心理学虚拟仿真实验的设计与实践——以建筑空间与行为分析虚拟仿真实验为例. 邱鲤鲤, 黄竞雄, 饶金通, 李渊, 中国房地产, 2020(27): 56-63.
Design and Practice of Virtual Simulation Experiment of Environmental Psychology: Taking the Virtual Simulation Experiment of Architectural Space and Behavior Analysis as An Example. QIU Lili, HUANG Jingxiong, RAO Jintong, LI Yuan, China Real Estate, 2020(27): 56-63.
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基于摄影照片与眼动实验的旅游者视觉行为分析——以厦门大学为例. 李渊, 高小涵, 黄竞雄, 吴冕, 旅游学刊, 2020, 35(9): 41-52.
Visual Behavior Analysis of Tourists Based on Photography and Eye-tracking Experiment——A Case of Xiamen University. LI Yuan, GAO Xiaohan, HUANG Jingxiong, WU Mian, Tourism Tribune, 2020, 35(9): 41-52.
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历史建筑空间再利用之句法解析——以鼓浪屿八卦楼为例. 李渊, 黄竞雄, 李芝也, 张品文, 建筑遗产, 2020(3): 88-93.
Space Syntax Analysis of the Reuse of Historic Buildings: A Case Study of the Eight Diagrams House in Kulangsu, Xiamen. LI Yuan, HUANG Jingxiong, LI Zhiye, ZHANG Pinwen, Architectural Heritage, 2020(3): 88-93.
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From Functional Space to Experience Space: Applying space syntax analysis to a museum in China. LI Yuan, HUANG Jingxiong, YANG Linchuan, International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development A: Planning Strategies and Design Concepts, 2020. 8(2): 86-99.
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情景交融人岛共生——黄官岛数字海岛概念设计方案. 李渊, 黄竞雄, 吕一平, 高小涵, 洪嘟嘟, 张品文, 城市建筑, 2019, 16(4): 88-90.
Scenario Blending and Ecological Island —— Huangguan Island Digital Island Concept Design. LI Yuan, HUANG Jingxiong, LV Yiping, GAO Xiaohan, HONG Dudu, ZHANG Pinwen, Urbanism and Architecture, 2019, 16(4): 88-90.
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基于CityEngine的闽南嘉庚风格建筑参数化设计研究. 李渊, 黄竞雄, 王绍森, 李立新, 饶金通, 邱鲤鲤. 数字技术·建筑全生命周期——2018年全国建筑院系建筑数字技术教学与研究学术研讨会论文集. 2018: 225-230. 西安:长安大学.
Research on the Parametric Design of Minnan Jiageng Style Building Based on CityEngine. LI Yuan, HUANG Jingxiong, WANG Shaosen, LI Lixin, RAO Jintong, QIU Lili. Digital Technology Building Life Cycle: Proceedings of the 2018 National Academic Seminar on Architecture Digital Technology Teaching and Research, 2018: 225-230. Xi’an: Chang’an University.
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