Identifying climate-ready plant for urban environment: Integrating machine learning with traditional plant selection tools. CHEN Maini, DANG Anrong*, LI Xiangyu, HUANG Jingxiong, WENG Yang Weng. Urban Forestry &Urban Greening, 2024, 102: 128559 DOI: 10.1016/j.ufug.2024.128559 → 链接 Hyperlink | 摘要 Abstract
Climate change has intensified the urban heat island effect and increased extreme weather conditions, posing risks to public health and urban vegetation. To address these challenges, selecting climate-ready urban plant species is crucial. Traditional climate niche-based methods often fall short in urban contexts due to neglecting anthropogenic factors. Our study addresses this research gap by introducing an innovative urban plant selection method that integrates vulnerability metrics, expert consensus, and plant introduction records through machine learning. We identified eight climatic variables essential for the survival of urban plants in Beijing, China, and established safety margins for eight climate variables of 1070 urban plant species across two periods: the baseline (1981–2010) and the future (2041–2070). Based on existing assessment data, expert consensus and plant introduction records, 247 plant species were classified into three levels of adaptability: backbone (highly adaptable, prevalent in Beijing), general (moderately adaptable, requiring specific care), and maladapted (poorly adaptable). Subsequently, we investigated the dynamic relationship between safety margins for eight climate variables across two time periods and the adaptability levels of plants by constructing an optimal machine learning model to predict urban plant adaptability levels, enhancing its accuracy through model comparisons and hyperparameter tuning. Our findings indicate that nearly half (49.0 %) of the plant species in Beijing may face reduced adaptability to future climate conditions. However, a majority (75.9 %) perform well under baseline climate conditions and are expected to adapt to future climate conditions. The results reaffirm that the species can grow well out of the niche limit, suggesting that the traditional climate niche-based method may be limited in urban contexts. Our approach overcomes the limitations of binary classification of traditional niche-based methods and the neglect of anthropogenic factors by incorporating an urban plant adaptability classification schema and ground truth derived from expert consensus and records of plant introductions through machine learning methods. This study provides a method for selecting climate-ready plant species for urban environments and supports evidence-based urban forestry management amidst climate change.
基于通勤流分析的城市多中心空间结构评估与优化方法——以京津冀大都市区为例. 马琦伟, 黄竞雄, 刘安琪, 党安荣*. 地球信息科学学报, 2024.(网络首发) Evaluation and optimization method of urban polycentric spatial structure based on commuting flow analysis: A case study of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei metropolitan area. MA Qiwei, HUANG Jingxiong, LIU Anqi, DANG Anrong*. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2024. (Online) DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2024.240001 → 链接 Hyperlink | 摘要 Abstract
我国诸多城市采用的多中心空间战略,被认为是解决各类“城市病”的有效手段,而对多中心空间结构的建设效果进行评估是建立和完善城市空间格局的基础。本研究提出一种新的技术方法,用于求解平均通勤距离最低时的最优多中心格局,通过比较现状与最优城市空间结构之间的差异性,实现对城市空间结构的量化评估。具体而言,本研究首先将城市结构对通勤格局的主要影响路径概括为“多中心结构—工作地分布—居住地分布—通勤流分布”;第二,整合多种机器学习模型,解析上述动态过程,识别现状各中心的发展水平;第三,使用智能优化算法,以平均通勤距离最短为优化目标,计算出各中心对应的最优权重;第四,构建并计算可优化度和均衡化趋势两项空间结构评估指标。本研究选取京津冀大都市区全部13个地级市的中心城区为研究对象开展实证检验,结果表明,上述的技术方法可以较好地识别城市的现状多中心结构特征,推断城市空间未来的优化方向,对城市空间策略的实施效果进行有效的评估。实验结果将研究范围内的城市分为4个类别,并提出针对性的优化方向和策略,为城市治理提供决策支持。 Polycentric spatial strategies have emerged as effective solutions to urban challenges such as prolonged commuting, traffic congestion, air pollution, and environmental degradation. These strategies, widely implemented in Chinese cities, require robust evaluation to enhance the efficacy of urban spatial development policies. Traditional research approaches often combine quantitative and qualitative methods or develop evaluative indicators, yet they may lack explicit, measurable goals and benchmarks, leading to reliance on empirical judgment. This can limit their practical application in directing the future development and investments for urban centers, subsequently affecting urban governance support. Addressing these gaps, this study introduces a comprehensive technical framework that employs multiple machine learning models. Its primary aim is to delineate the optimal polycentric structure for a city by contrasting it with the present spatial distribution of employment centers. This comparative analysis enables a more empirical assessment of urban spatial strategy performance. Central to this framework is the goal of minimizing the city’s average commuting distance, a metric significantly influenced by the urban spatial structure and commonly used in urban structure assessment. The study unfolds in several stages: initially, it utilizes a probabilistic mixture model to identify the urban polycentric structure and gauge the influence of individual centers. It then employs machine learning to investigate the non-linear interplay between urban employment centers, residential/occupational patterns, and commuting flows. Subsequently, an intelligent optimization algorithm calculates the optimal polycentric structure with the aim of minimizing commuting distances. The study culminates in the development of performance evaluation indices that quantitatively measure the urban spatial structure’s current state against the ideal, highlighting avenues for future optimization. Empirical evaluation is conducted across the central urban zones of thirteen prefecture-level cities within the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei metropolitan region, yielding three principal findings. First, each city exhibits a distinct polycentric structure, with primary employment centers situated centrally within municipal districts and secondary centers dispersed in the periphery. Second, the optimization results indicate a general trend of decentralization, with a movement from city centers to the periphery. Third, cluster analysis categorizes the cities into four groups, with strategic recommendations provided for each, largely aligning with existing local government urban and spatial plans. This study’s contributions are multifaceted. It proposes a methodology for ascertaining the optimal polycentric pattern, thus creating a standard for performance evaluation and enabling quantifiable assessments. It offers a comprehensive method for assessing the execution of urban polycentric spatial strategies, evaluating the intricacy of the city’s polycentric structure. Finally, the application of these methods in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region provides analytical outcomes that are instrumental for the future urban refinement governance of the area.
What is the outdoor thermal comfort (OTC) threshold in Gulangyu, China: An empirical study. YANG Mengsheng, LI Yuan, DU Yanan, WANG Yingfeng, FEI Wenyi, HUANG Jingxiong, LIANG Jiaqi. Urban Climate, 2024, 56: 102086. DOI: 10.1016/j.uclim.2024.102086 → 链接 Hyperlink | 摘要 Abstract
Empirical outdoor thermal comfort (OTC) research combining subjective questionnaires and objective measurements is emerging in different climate classifications around the globe, with the increasing climate change. The empirical OTC research in heritage destinations has become an indispensable basic work due to the demand difference with urban residential space and the constraints of the OTC measurement scale. Taking Gulangyu, a world heritage destination, as a case study, this paper establishes an OTC benchmark research framework (OTC-BERK-GLY) based on references to previous empirical research and outdoor thermal benchmarks, and reveals a multitude of OTC thresholds for different groups of people through the mathematical-statistical analyses of questionnaire data and Universal Thermal Climatic Index (UTCI). The results show: for foreign tourists, local tourists and islanders, 1) the maximum acceptable temperatures were 29.4 °C, 29.4 °C and 30.2 °C of UTCI, respectively, 2) the neutral temperature ranges were 14.0–25.6 °C, 14.1–26.8 °C and 15.1–28.3 °C, respectively, and 3) the preferred temperatures were 22.6 °C, 22.4 °C and 21.0 °C, respectively. This study also analyzed the main influences on OTC in Gulangyu using Discrete Choice Modeling (DCM), which shows that the physical environment was the main influence affecting the thermal sensation (TSV) of the respondents. And wind environment (va), sky view factor (SVF), age, time of exposure, group errands, and the use of parasols and sun-protective clothing had different levels of influence on thermal comfort (TCV). This study is intended to provide support for the development of climate adaptive tourism management in Gulangyu, and to provide a case study for similar heritage destinations.
Evaluating tourist perceptions of architectural heritage values at a World Heritage Site in South-East China: The case of Gulangyu Island. LI Yuan, LIANG Jiaqi, HUANG Jingxiong, SHEN Han*, LI Xin, LAW Andrew. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 2024, 60: 127-140. DOI: 10.1016/j.jhtm.2024.06.018 → 链接 Hyperlink | 摘要 Abstract
Tourism has become an important economic pathway through which heritage is valued. This paper evaluates tourist perceptions of architectural heritage at a World Heritage Site by combining Global Positioning System-tracking, questionnaire survey, Ordered Probit Model, and marginal utility analysis, and compares it with a broader expert and state led interpretation for optimization of heritage values inheritance by content analysis and matching model. The results respectively reveal the core value of tourist perceptions, and indicate the consistency and the degree of mismatch between tourist perception and institutional interpretation. Management implications are suggested for decision-making and planning optimization of heritage tourism sites.
基于视觉偏好的人流模拟及旅游线路优化研究——以鼓浪屿为例. 黄竞雄, 梁嘉祺, 杨盟盛, 李渊*. 旅游学刊, 2024, 39(6): 85-100. Research on flow simulation and tourism routes optimization based on visual preference: A case study of Gulangyu Island. HUANG Jingxiong, LIANG Jiaqi, YANG Mengsheng, LI Yuan*. Tourism Tribune, 2024, 39(6): 85-100. DOI: 10.19765/j.cnki.1002-5006.2024.06.011 → 链接 Hyperlink | 摘要 Abstract
旅游规划与客流管理是旅游景区关注的重点议题,以视觉为核心的旅游者行为与感知研究为其提供了新的视角。文章从人本主义出发,聚焦旅游者对旅游地环境的视觉偏好,建构旅游者行为的三元空间理论框架。通过多代理人模拟开展旅游流预测、旅游线路优化、旅游拥挤预防的研究,实现了方法体系上的整合应用。鼓浪屿实证案例研究表明:1)基于视觉偏好的旅游线路优化基本实现了视觉效用提升;2)优化后的“百年遗迹”旅游线路具有高拥挤风险;3)对关键决策节点进行街道空间优化能够较好地缓解潜在拥挤风险。该研究结合客流分析和视觉评价开展理论和方法探索,为旅游地的线路规划、旅游流调控和街道空间设计提供决策支持和规划参考。 Tourism planning and tourist flow management are critical issues for tourism destinations, and research on tourist behavior and visual perception provides a new perspective on these issues. This study constructed a three-dimensional space of tourist behavior and focused on the destination environment from the perspective of tourists’ visual preferences. Using Gulangyu island, China as a case study, this investigation employed multi-agent simulation methods to research flow simulation, tourism route optimization, and tourism congestion prevention; the integrated application of the methods was achieved. First, optimization strategies for four tourism routes were proposed based on visual preference; the optimized routes improved visual utility and the guiding of external tourist flow. Second, the potential crowding risk from tourist flow was simulated and predicted according to the optimized tourism routes. Among the four official routes, the “Hundred-year Heritage” route had the highest potential risk of crowding in the future. Third, the key intersections in the “Hundred-year Heritage” route were selected for spatial optimization. The simulation after optimization showed the alleviation of potential crowding risk. In conclusion, after repeated verification of “visual preference measurement-general simulation optimization- congestion risk prediction- fine simulation optimization,” this study met the established optimization goals while avoiding possible risks and realized the layer-by-layer refinement from street space (mesolevel) to visual elements (microlevel). This study makes several contributions. First, in theory, the study constructs a ternary spatial theoretical model of tourist behavior and proposes a framework for flow simulation and tourism route optimization based on visual preference. This study interprets the interactive relationship between people and the environment through the interaction of space and behavior and establishes the subject-object relationship between environmental constraints and individual perception and the supply-demand relationship between environmental conditions and individual preferences. Second, from a research perspective, this study combines not only objective tourism environment elements and subjective tourist choice preference measurement but also the mesoscale (optimization of tourism route planning) and the microscale (street space design) environments. The study also realizes the multiple perspectives of subjective-objective integration and multi-scale optimization. Third, this study develops a multi-dimensional method that includes multi-objective orientation and hierarchical advancement, combined multi-source data (street view images, questionnaire data, and Global Positioning System data), and multi-methods (deep learning, stated preference, and geographic information system-based spatial analysis and visualization). Finally, the findings indicate that extending the technical framework to other similar tourism sites to measure landscape quality, simulate tourist flow, or design tourism routes can provide references for related research. Moreover, with its theoretical measurement results for visual preference, congestion prediction, and space optimization, this study proposes an optimization scheme in a targeted manner that is suitable for the management and planning of heritage tourism sites and thus has application value.
中国城市规划管理现代化发展进程与趋势. 黄竞雄, 党安荣*, 李翔宇, 陈麦尼. 科技导报, 2024, 42(6): 51-60. History and trends of urban planning and management modernization in China. HUANG Jingxiong, DANG Anrong*, LI Xiangyu, Chen Maini. Science & Technology Review, 2024, 42(6): 51-60. DOI: 10.3981/j.issn.1000-7857.2024.06.006 → 链接 Hyperlink | 摘要 Abstract
城市规划管理是国家空间治理体系的重要组成部分,与城市发展息息相关。探索面向中国式现代化的城市规划管理发展道路,对于国家高质量发展具有重要价值。本文从规划管理体系的形成、规划编审管理的完善、规划法律体系的构建、空间规划的协同发展、规划管理的信息化等5个维度,梳理了新中国成立70多年来城市规划管理的现代化进程;立足当下中国式现代化需求、面向未来城镇化发展特征,阐述了我国城市规划管理现代化发展的人本化、生态化、协同化、精细化、智慧化5大趋势,以期服务当下的空间发展新格局,有助于更好地满足人民对于美好生活的向往。 Urban planning and management is an integrated part of the national spatial governance system, which is closely related to urban development. It is of great value to explore the development path of Chinese-style modernization of urban planning and management for the country’s high-quality development. First, the paper reviews the modernization process of urban planning and management over the past 70 years from five dimensions: the formation of a planning and management system, the perfection of planning review management, the construction of a planning law system, the development of spatial planning coordination and the informatization of planning and management. Then, based on the current Chinese modernization demands and facing the characteristics of future urbanization development, the paper expounds on the five trends of the modernization development of urban planning and management in China: people-centered, ecological, collaborative, refined and intelligent. The expectation not only helps to serve the current patterns of spatial planning but also helps to meet the people’s yearning for a better life.
基于街景图像的旅游地街道空间视觉品质评价方法研究. 黄竞雄, 梁嘉祺, 杨盟盛, 李渊*. 地球信息科学学报 , 2024, 26(2): 352-366. Street space visual quality evaluating method of tourism sites based on street view images. HUANG Jingxiong, LIANG Jiaqi, YANG Mengsheng, LI Yuan*. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2024, 26(2): 352-366. DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2024.220404 → 链接 Hyperlink | 摘要 Abstract
街道空间是旅游者在旅游地的主要接触空间,良好的街道视觉品质对旅游产业的可持续发展至关重要,而如何建构视觉品质评价方法则需要进一步探索。本文以厦门市鼓浪屿作为研究区域,首先建立街道空间视觉品质量化模型,采用人工模拟旅游者行进的方式采集街景数据,进行成像参数校正和图像编码;其次,采用全卷积网络进行图像语义分割和视觉要素提取,获得街道环境视觉参数;最后,根据量化模型将视觉参数聚合到地理要素中,建立地理信息数据库进行街道空间视觉品质评价。结果表明:(1)鼓浪屿街道空间视觉品质存在明显的空间分异性;(2)建筑密度、街道宽度与植被小品是塑造街道空间视觉品质的基础视觉要素;(3)植物类公园、主要交通枢纽、主要商业设施的分布对街道空间视觉品质产生显著影响。本文为街道视觉品质评价工作提供了可供迁移应用的数据采集方式和研究方法,基于全卷积网络的街景图像语义分割精度较高,能够为街景图像以及其他类型的图像数据分析提供参考。在管理实践上,本文可以为旅游地街道空间的管理与规划、资源整合与配置、人流引导与调控等工作提供有价值的借鉴。 Street space is the main space that affects tourists’ experience of tourism sites. The visual quality of street space is crucial to the development of tourism. However, the evaluation method of visual quality needs further exploration. This paper selected Gulangyu, the famous tourism site in Xiamen, as a study case. First, we established a quantitative model of visual quality combining the existing research on street space and the visual elements of tourism sites. Then, we collected street view data of each intersection by traveling like tourists, corrected imaging parameters, and encoded the street view images. Second, based on the deep learning method (Fully Convolutional Networks, FCN), we segmented the collected street view images semantically and extracted the visual elements in street view data. Finally, by combining with GIS, we set up a geographic information database to analyze the visual and spatial characteristics of each sampling point’s visual elements. This database was aimed at providing a basis for further evaluation of the visual quality of street space. It was aggregated using the street line as the smallest unit. In our study, we calculated the visual quality indicators to evaluate the street space in Gulangyu. The results show that: (1) There is obvious spatial differentiation in the visual elements of street space in Gulangyu; (2) Building density, street width, and vegetation sketches are the basic visual elements that shape the visual quality of street space; (3) The distribution of botanical parks, major docks, and commercial facilities significantly impacts the street space’s visual quality. In detail, green plants, buildings, roads, sky, and street facilities show the differences between a center and a roundabout. While the distribution of pedestrians shows differences between the east and the west. The green view rate, enclosure, sky openness, and diversity of street space also have obvious center- roundabout spatial differentiation. Moreover, there is an obvious spatial agglomeration effect in the green view rate, crowding degree, and diversity of street space. The agglomeration points are mainly parks, docks, and commercial streets. The method in this paper provides a new collection method in street visual quality evaluation. The visual element extraction accuracy based on FCN is fairly high, which can provide a reference for street view images and other types of image data analysis. This paper provides a valuable reference for street space management and planning, resource integration and allocation, human flow guidance, and regulation in tourism sites.
道器相融:从技能到思维到融通——厦门大学“国土空间规划信息技术”课程教学创新与实践. 李渊, 黄竞雄, 梁嘉祺. 中国建筑教育, 2023(1): 167-172. The Integration of Tao and Utensils: From Skills to Thinking to Integration——Teaching Innovation and Practice of “Information Technology of Territory Spatial Planning” in Xiamen University. LI Yuan, HUANG Jingxiong, LIANG Jiaqi. China Architectural Education, 2023(1): 167-172. → 链接 Hyperlink | 摘要 Abstract
新工科建设与国土空间规划的体系重构,对城乡规划专业课程的教学提出了新要求。地理信息系统是国土空间规划实务的重要依托,面向建筑类新工科建设的需求,探索“国土空间规划的时代要求”(道)与“地理空间信息的前沿技术”(器)相融的课程教学创新方案,对培养新工科高水平人才的专业技术(器)与综合思维(道)具有实践意义。本研究以厦门大学“国土空间规划信息技术”课程为例,提出创新措施:(1)课程思政引领,重构教学内容;(2)开发课程资源,促进渐进学习;(3)推进翻转教学,促进道器相融;(4)丰富考核形式,促进全面评价。通过三阶段课程教学创新实践,形成“从技能到思维到融通”的渐进式教学理念,旨在完成从专业技术人才培养到新工科高水平专业人才培养的转型。 The construction of emerging engineering and the reconstruction of the territory spatial planning system put forward new requirements for urban and rural planning teaching. The geographic information system is an essential basis for territory spatial planning. Facing the needs of emerging engineering disciplines, exploring the course teaching methods that integrate “the requirements of territory spatial planning” (Tao) and “the frontier technology of geospatial information” (Utensils) plays a critical role in cultivating high-level students’ “professional technology” (Utensils) and “comprehensive thinking” (Tao). This paper takes the course “Information Technology of Territory Spatial Planning” at Xiamen University as an example and puts forward innovation measures: (1) ideological and political leading and reconstructing the teaching content; (2) development of course resources to promote progressive learning; (3) promoting flipped teaching, and integrating the Tao and Utensils; (4) enrich the form of assessment, promote comprehensive evaluation. Through the innovative practice of three-stage teaching, this paper formed a progressive teaching concept of “from skills to thinking to integration”, which aims to complete the transformation of professional and technical training to the high-level professional training of emerging engineering.
A novel outdoor thermal comfort simulation model for heritage environments (OTC-SM-HE): verify the effectiveness in Gulangyu, China. LI Yuan, YANG Mengsheng, BAI Huanxia, LI Rui, LIANG Jiaqi, HUANG Jingxiong, DU Yanan. Building and Environment, 2023, 242: 110568. DOI: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2023.110568 → 链接 Hyperlink | 摘要 Abstract
The study of outdoor thermal comfort (OTC) for heritage environments can offer essential guidance for the articulation of multiple values of cultural heritage and the sustainable development of traditional settlements. However, previous study methods often fail to capture the complexity and diversity of heritage environments completely. This study proposes a novel outdoor thermal comfort simulation model for heritage environments (OTC-SM-HE) based on 3D real scene modeling technology and universal thermal climate index (UTCI). The effectiveness of the model is verified by comparing it with field test data in Gulangyu Island. The results show that: 1) UTCI are calculated by OTC-SM-HE and field testing showed high proximity started at 14:00 or 15:00 in the same space on different dates, respectively. 2) The mean error is 2.02°C of UTCI in the same period and space, and the mean d-index of validation of models is 0.735. 3) The similarity of trend duration is 85% in field test time. Thus, OTC-SM-HE can be shown to be effective in terms of response spatial characteristics, numerical values and variation trends. The establishment of OTC-SM-HE aims to simulate and evaluate the effects of meteorological conditions, shading facilities, and greening measures on the OTC of visitors and residents in different heritage environments. It provides a scientific basis and optimization recommendations for the sustainable management of heritage environments.
Visual Preference Analysis and Planning Responses Based on Street View Images: A Case Study of Gulangyu Island, China. HUANG Jingxiong, LIANG Jiaqi, YANG Mengsheng, LI Yuan*. Land, 2023, 12(1): 129. DOI: 10.3390/land12010129 → 链接 Hyperlink | 摘要 Abstract
The features of a street environment play an essential role in human behavior, but predicting the preferred environment becomes challenging for city planning. This paper takes Gulangyu Island as an example and examines tourists’ visual preferences through street view images and a stated preference survey. Based on the findings, planning responses were proposed to provide references for improving tourists’ visual perception of the street’s environment. The results show that tourists’ preferences for the street environment are significantly affected by visual features. From highest to lowest are variety, the green view index, crowdedness, sky openness, and enclosure. The green view index, sky openness, and variety positively affect the visual utility, while crowdedness and enclosure have a negative effect. Among them, variety has the most potent positive effect on visual preference, while crowdedness has the most substantial negative effect. Moreover, there is a balance between green view and enclosure that is affected by green plants, and when the enclosure value is too high, the marginal effect of the green view index will be less effective. Last, the streets with high visual utility have an ideal natural environment, spacious roads, an open sky, and limited architecture.
基于数字技术的《环境行为学》教学改革研究. 李渊, 黄竞雄, 杨盟盛, 梁嘉祺, 李芝也. 中国建筑教育, 2022(1): 22-26. Research on Teaching Reform of “Environmental Behavior” Based on Digital Technology. LI Yuan, HUANG Jingxiong, YANG Mengsheng, LIANG Jiaqi, LI Zhiye. China Architectural Education, 2022(1): 22-26. → 链接 Hyperlink | 摘要 Abstract
新工科背景下,数字技术全方位融入建筑学课程体系中,并与主干课程联动发展《环境行为学》作为建筑学专业本科(五年制)教育评估指标体系中的课程,具有相当程度的发展空间。本文探索了厦门大学基于数字技术的《环境行为学》教学改革研究,进行总体教学框架和MOOC教程的设计,引入OPIRTAS 翻转课堂教学模式,依托“遗产环境与行为分析”实验室、虚拟仿真实验项目和虚拟教研室,促进数字技术与教学资源融合共享,旨在融合环境行为课程与设计课程,锻炼学生的实践创新与应用能力。 Under the background of new engineering, digital technology is fully integrated into and developed in conjunction with curriculum system in architecture. Environmental behavior as a course in the education evaluation system of the undergraduate (five-year) major of architecture, has considerable room for development. This paper explores teaching reform of Environmental Behavior based on digital technology in Xiamen University, and designs framework and MOOC. Moreover, introduced OPIRTAS flipped classroom teaching model, relying on “Heritage Environment and Behavior Analysis” laboratory, virtual simulation experiment project and virtual teaching lab to promote the integration and sharing of digital technology and teaching resources. lt aims to integrate environmental behavior and design courses to train students’ practical innovation and application ability.
Would you accept virtual tourism? The impact of COVID-19 risk perception on technology acceptance from a comparative perspective. LI Yuan, LIANG Jiaqi, HUANG Jingxiong, YANG Mengsheng, LI Runyan, BAI Huanxia. Sustainability, 14(19): 12693. DOI: 10.3390/su141912693 → 链接 Hyperlink | 摘要 Abstract
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the tourism industry and its stakeholders have tried to develop a new virtual tourism market, but its effectiveness remains to be tested. We proposed and tested a new measurement scale composed of ease of use, usefulness, autonomy, enjoyment, perceived risk of COVID-19, and attitude. In total, 274 questionnaires were collected by the purposive sampling method and 239 of them were valid, with 57 potential virtual tourists (who knew of but had not used VR in tourism) and 182 actual virtual tourists (who had experienced virtual tourism). Then, we used path analysis to test the hypothetical model and compared the results of two groups. The results show that (1) the popularity of virtual tourism is limited, (2) ease of use significantly affects usefulness and enjoyment for the two groups, (3) usefulness significantly affects autonomy and enjoyment for the two groups, (4) perceived risk of COVID-19 has a direct impact on the attitude towards virtual tourism for the two groups rather than a moderating role, and (5) expected ease of use has a significant effect on autonomy, and autonomy further influences enjoyment for potential tourists. This paper is an explorative attempt to explore virtual technology applied in tourism during the COVID-19 pandemic. The results provide theoretical contributions and practical implications for technology improvement, tourism marketing, and virtual tourism development.
Behavioral Research in Construction Engineering Management: A Review from a Neuropsychological Perspective. LI Yuan, LIANG Jiaqi, HUANG Jingxiong, YANG Mengsheng, LI Runyan. Buildings, 2022, 12(10): 1591. DOI: 10.3390/buildings12101591 → 链接 Hyperlink | 摘要 Abstract
In construction engineering, there are many interactive and decision-making behaviors which could affect the progress and final performance. Based on the people-oriented concept, managing construction engineering should not ignore the understanding of individual behavior, and neuropsychology provides a refined microscopic perspective. This paper employed a bibliometric analysis of 1254 studies from the Web of Science related to behavioral research in construction engineering management using VOSviewer and summarized the neuropsychological mechanisms and research methods of behavior by systematic review. This paper found that: (1) Neuropsychological mechanisms of behavior include basic mechanisms about the brain and function and range from sensory to decision processes. Core factors are the functional ingredients. (2) Behavior research in construction engineering management is turning to neuropsychological experiments. Understanding the complex correlation mechanisms are the research trends in recent years. (3) Construction engineering management studies provide the means and methods to improve the validity and efficiency of management in the construction industry. The results confirm the impact of sensory perception on behavior and managerial performance. (4) The research trend in this field in the future is multidisciplinary. In total, this paper provides a potential effective reference for improving the performance of construction engineering management, developing sustainable construction production and consumption, and building a people-oriented livable city.
文化遗产地商业街道空间视觉吸引力及其感知的影响因素研究 ——以鼓浪屿龙头路为例. 李渊, 黄竞雄, 梁嘉祺, 张宇, 陈瑶. 西部人居环境学刊, 2022, 37(2): 114-121. Research on Visual Attraction and Influencing Factors of Perception of Commercial Street Space in Cultural Heritage Site: Taking Gulangyu Longtou Road as an Example. LI Yuan, HUANG Jingxiong, LIANG Jiaqi, ZHANG Yu, CHEN Yao. Journal of Human Settlements in West China, 2022, 37(2): 114-121. DOI: 10.13791/j.cnki.hsfwest.20220216 → 链接 Hyperlink | 摘要 Abstract
人本主义视角下,量化商业街道空间使用者的视觉体验进而理解空间要素如何 影响视觉行为与主观感知,对文化遗产地的可持续发展具有重要作用。本文结合眼动实验和语义差异法问卷调研测度街道空间主体 的客观视觉行为与主观心理感受,并采用 ANOVA单因素方差分析解析不同商业街道 空间对视觉吸引力及其感知的影响。研究发现:第一,街道空间的视觉吸引力与主观感知情况存在一定联系但不完全趋同;第二, 绿化景观的视觉吸引力较弱,但能够降低街道的负面感知;第三,商业门店、招牌广告具有较高的吸引力,但易产生失调、粗糙、狭 窄等负面感知;第四,龙头路的历史风貌建筑并未产生较强的视觉吸引力;第五,部分非历史风貌建筑产生了较强的视觉吸引力,但可能增强现代感而削弱历史文化氛围;第六, 铺地作为商业街道底界面,是易被忽视的街道空间要素。总体上,本文从主体行为的角度 分析了客体环境的视觉品质,结合主客观感知为街道空间设计提供数据支持。 Under the influence of people-oriented concept, space quality and design on a micro-scale are important topics in public health, sociology, and macroeconomic policy. With the change in the concept of heritage protection, tourism has played an important role in the sustainable development of cultural heritage sites (CHS). Commercial streets in CHS have dual functions of cultural inheritance and commercial development. Therefore, quantifying pedestrians’ visual experience in commercial street spaces, and understanding how spatial factors affect visual behavior and subjective perception play an important role in the sustainable development of CHS. This paper took Longtou Road, which is on the UNESCO World Heritage Site Gulangyu, as a study case, and extracted 12 photos composed of different visual elements from the street space as samples. Then, measured visual attraction of different street spaces based on eye-tracking experiment, and extracted subjective perception of pedestrians by Semantic Differential (SD) questionnaire. Finally, used one-way ANOVA to analyze the difference in visual attraction and subjective perception of different street spaces. The results show that: (1) There is a certain correlation between visual attraction and perception evaluation in Gulangyu heritage street space, but it is not fully convergent. The natural environment is an unignorable part of street space, for commercial streets should pay attention to the store design guidelines to ensure the rationality of planning. (2) The greening factors in the environment can improve pedestrians’ experience, although they cannot attract pedestrians directly. (3) The commercial factors in the environment, for example, commercial stores, signboards, or advertisements, have a strong attraction for pedestrians. However, the lack of reasonable planning is likely to produce negative perceptions such as space imbalance, roughness, stenosis, and et al. (4) The historic buildings on Longtou Road have not shown strong visual attraction. (5) The commercial streets in CHS have both cultural and commercial characteristics. The improving visual attraction of non-historical buildings is accompanied by the cost of weakening the historical and cultural atmosphere, which poses challenges to the historical and cultural inheritance in CHS. (6) In addition, the bottom interface of the current street space is an easily overlooked element. Therefore, how to use the pavement to reflect the historical and cultural elements of street space remains a topic of concern. The sustainable development of CHSs should pay attention to the historical culture and users’ psychological feelings. Based on the above analysis result, put forward suggestions to improve the spatial quality of Longtou Road as follows: (1) Combined with visual habits to improve the visual quality of street elevation and contour of CHS. The existing forms and orderliness of commercial advertisement should be standardized and strengthened moderately, to coordinate the visual, historical, and cultural characteristics. (2) Enhance the historical and cultural communication value of historical buildings on Longtou Road. Especially, the space and landscape planning should focus on the field vision of historical buildings, which can further become a media for spreading historical and cultural values. (3) Although the visual attraction of landscape is weak. However, as the visual element, it can well coordinate the overall landscape of street space. Therefore, the space and landscape planning should pay attention to the rational use of landscape, to help the users to have a more positive psychological perception of commercial street space in CHS. (4) Pavement has received low attention. However, it plays an important role in improving the quality of street space. Considering the situation of Longtou Road, local material can be used to form textures that reflect the cultural characteristics of Gulangyu. The change of pattern can provide clear spatial guidance and a better visual experience for pedestrians as well. Generally, this paper analyzes the visual quality of the object environment from the subject behavior perspective and provides data support for street space design combined with subjective and objective perception. The purpose is to transform visual attention under the influence of subjective consciousness into an objective street space evaluation method and to verify through the psychological feeling questionnaire. Theoretically, this paper aims to understand pedestrians’ attention to street visual elements from the perception of space and behavior interaction and reveal the coupling relationship between attention and visual perception. The result shows this paper is a useful exploration to integrate the coupling of pedestrians’ subjective feeling preferences and objective street environment attraction factors. The relationship between them proves this methodology combining objective physiology and subjective perception is feasible. Practically, this paper reveals the relationship between the attraction of street space elements and pedestrians’ evaluation, and provides guidance and reference for street space design method and scheme exploration.
面向街景感知提升的旅游者视觉偏好特征与街道空间优化研究 ——以鼓浪屿为例. 黄竞雄. 厦门: 厦门大学, 2022. Research of Tourists’ Visual Preference Features and Street Space Optimization for Improvement of Street View Perception: A Case Study of Gulangyu. HUANG Jingxiong, Xiamen: Xiamen University, 2022. DOI: 10.27424/d.cnki.gxmdu.2022.002867 → 链接 Hyperlink | 摘要 Abstract
在人本主义思潮和高质量发展趋势的共同影响下,旅游地的街道空间优化离不开对旅游者感知的准确把握。视觉是人在环境中的主要感知来源,解析旅游者视觉感知有助于理解其行为决策机理。旅游者的主客观感知存在差异空间,结合客观环境数据测度与主观感知数据分析是面向个体行为建模的重要研究范式,有助于提升旅游地的精细化管理水平。文化和旅游存在天然的关联,具有文化传承价值的旅游地对于旅游的可持续发展存在紧迫的需求。本研究聚焦旅游者的选路行为,以世界文化遗产地鼓浪屿为研究案例。首先,在各主要旅游道路的交叉口,步行采集街景图像开展视觉品质量化研究。其次,基于视觉要素提取结果,使用陈述性偏好法构建虚拟场景开展问卷调查,采用条件Logit模型获取不同视觉要素的偏好权重。最后,建立多代理人仿真模型,获取与实际游览行为不匹配的异常空间,进行旅游路线规划的调整和街道视觉品质的优化。主要结论如下:(1)围合度与建筑密度、绿视率、街道宽度和地形存在关联,与天空开敞度负相关。拥挤程度与天空开敞度微弱正相关,与围合度存在微弱负相关;(2)对旅游者选路行为偏好影响程度从高到低依次是多样性、绿视率、拥挤程度、天空开敞度、围合度,不同性别旅游者对上述要素的偏好程度略有差异;(3)高视觉感知街道交叉口主要分布在旅游路线覆盖区域的外侧,高实测客流的路段主要出现在商业区和景点分布密集的区域。围绕绿视率、围合度、多样性等指标提出优化策略,旨在促进旅游者行为决策过程与环境理解的相对统一。本研究探索旅游发展背景下结合客观视觉感知与主观视觉偏好的分析途径,既发挥街景数据描述客观空间环境特征的特点,又发挥问卷数据总结主观个体认知规律的优势。从视觉要素角度围绕旅游者的选路行为进行分析,审视空间、行为与感知,揭示旅游地街道空间的视觉组成模式。采用多代理人仿真模型进行一般化模拟,结合行为地理学与环境行为学的基本原理,提出街道空间的优化策略,为促进旅游地的可持续发展提供决策支持。 Under the influence of people-oriented and high-quality development trend, grasping tourists’ perception accurately is helpful to the street space optimization in tourist destinations. Vision is the main source of human perception, analyzing tourists’ visual perception plays an important role on understanding their behavior decision-making mechanism. There is difference between tourists’ subjective perception and objective perception, combining subjective perception analysis with objective environmental data measurement is an important paradigm for individual behavior modeling. Overall, the results contribute to the improvement of tourism destinations’ management and sustainability. There is a natural connection between culture and tourism. Tourism destinations with culture value have more urgent requirements for the tourism sustainability. Therefore, this study focuses on tourists’ path-selection behavior, and takes Gulangyu, the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Site, as study case. First, at the intersections of major tourist roads, carried out the quantitative study of visual quality by manually collecting street view. Second, based on the extraction results of visual elements, construct virtual walking environment scene by Stated Preference method, and used the Conditional Logit model to obtain the preference weights of different visual elements. Finally, established a multi-agent simulation model to obtain the abnormal space that affects the tour experience of tourists, and discuss optimization scheme of the visual quality on street space. This study has conclusions as follows: (1) Enclosure is correlated with building density, green view rate, street width and terrain trend. Besides, it is negatively correlated with sky openness. Crowding is weak positive correlated with sky openness, and weak negative correlated with enclosure. (2) The degree of influence on the preference of tourists’ path selection behavior from high to low is diversity, green view rate, crowding degree, openness of the sky and enclosure, and the preference concerns of tourists are different depends on gender. (3) Street intersections with high visual perception are mainly distributed on the outer side of tourist routes coverage area. While street intersections with high tourists flow mainly appear in areas with dense distribution of commercial areas and scenic spots. This study proposes optimization strategies around green view rate, enclosure, diversity and other indicators, aiming to promote the relative unity of tourists’ behavior decision-making process and environmental understanding. This study explores the analysis method of combining visual perception and questionnaire survey under the background of heritage tourism destinations. It not only gives play to the characteristics of street view data objectively describing spatial environment characteristics, but also gives play to the advantages of the questionnaire in revealing subjective individual and cognitive level information. Taking intersection selection behavior and visual elements as the analysis object, this study examines space, behavior and perception, aiming to reveal the visual composition mode of street space in tourist destinations. Moreover, the multi-agent simulation model is used for general simulation. Combined with the basic principles of behavioral geography and environmental behavior, this study proposed specific spatial environment optimization strategies to provide decision support for promoting the sustainable development of tourism destinations.
基于不同人群的红色旅游路线规划实证研究——以鼓浪屿为例. 李渊, 尚小钰, 徐钲砚, 黄振锋, 黄竞雄, 陈潆馨. 旅游论坛, 2022, 15(2): 45-54. An Empirical Study of Red Tourism Routes Planning Based on Different Groups of Tourists: A Case Study of Gulangyu. LI Yuan, SHANG Xiaoyu, XU Zhengyan, HUANG Zhenfeng, HUANG Jingxiong, CHEN Yingxin. Tourism Forum. 2022, 15(2): 45-54. DOI: 10.15962/j.cnki.tourismforum.202202015 → 链接 Hyperlink | 摘要 Abstract
红色旅游路线规划是发展红色旅游需要考虑的重要内容,已有研究多基于研究者经验进行规划定线,基于不同人群的行为偏好进行游线规划的相关研究仍较少。本文建立红色旅游景点分类体系,从不同人群对路线的选择偏好入手,利用ArcGIS软件以及社会网络模型分别构建针对大众旅游群体和旅游团队的红色旅游路线,形成系统化的红色旅游路线体系。以厦门鼓浪屿118个旅游景点(包含大众旅游景点以及红色旅游景点)为研究对象,对113个大众旅游者以及35个红色旅游团队进行了行为特征和选择偏好分析,提出了这两类群体在6小时总游览时长下的红色旅游路线规划方案。结果表明,本文提出的红色路线规划方法弥补了以往研究对人群针对性分析的不足,所得路线符合实际的旅游空间形态特征,为红色景点开发提供了有效的技术支撑,对中央文件所提出的打造红色旅游经典景点体系有一定的借鉴意义。 Red tourism routes planning is an important content that needs to be considered in the development of red tourism. Existing research is mostly based on the researcher’s experience in planning and routing, and the research based on the behavior of different groups of people can still be substituted. This paper established the classification system structure of red tourist attractions, starting with the priority of different groups of people in the choice of routes, using ArcGIS and Social Network Model to respectively target the red tourist routes of mass tourist groups and tourist teams to form a systematic red tourist route system. This paper takes 118 tourist attractions in Gulangyu as research objects (including popular tourist attractions and red tourist attractions), and analyzes behavior characteristics and selection preferences of 115 mass tourists and 35 red study groups. Based on these analyzed data, this paper proposes the red tourism route planning scheme of the two groups under the total tour time of 6 hours and designs two travel routes according to the demand characteristics of different groups. As the result of the previous studies, it shows that the red route planning method not only proposed in this paper makes up for the lack of previous research who is lack the targeted analysis of different population, the most suitable and optimized red tourism route is formulated for them according to the demand characteristics of different groups, which provides a technical and scientific reference for the study of tourist behavior in Gulangyu, beside of that it also conformed to the actual characteristics of tourism space morphology. Moreover, this paper provides effective technical support for red tourism development and has a certain significance in improving the crowd’s satisfaction with red tourism and promoting the promotion of red culture.
海岛型旅游地空间形态对旅游者行为的影响研究——以福建省5个旅游岛为例. 李渊, 郭晶, 黄竞雄, 梁嘉祺. 旅游学刊, 2022, 37(6): 27-42. Research on the influence of the spatial form of island-type tourism destination on tourists’ behaviour: The case of five travel islands in Fujian. LI Yuan, GUO Jing, HUANG Jingxiong, LIANG Jiaqi. Tourism Tribune, 2022, 37(6): 27-42. DOI: 10.19765/j.cnki.1002-5006.2022.00.002 → 链接 Hyperlink | 摘要 Abstract
在海岛旅游蓬勃发展背景下,关注、量化、精确分析海岛型旅游地空间形态对旅游者足迹和视觉行为的影响,成为重要话题。以福建省5个旅游岛为例,立足三元空间理论,构建“地图空间—足迹空间—认知空间”的分析框架,基于互联网旅游者GPS轨迹和旅行照片数据,运用空间句法和GIS空间分析方法,解构海岛旅游地空间形态,采用多项Logit模型探索海岛形态与旅游者行为之间的作用机理。研究发现:(1)空间形态上,海岛已形成明显的极核中心和空间发展轴,旅游化效应形成局部次中心,海岛边缘旅游景点丰富但路网渗透性差;(2)旅游者足迹的空间异质性显著,旅游停留行为形成集聚空间,旅行轨迹与海岛路网穿行度存在局部错位;(3)行为机理模型结果显示,旅游者区位偏好是行为决策的部分因素,海岛空间形态加强了旅游集聚效应,其中,海岛用地形态、路网形态、聚落形态是提升旅游体验的重点;(4)旅游者行为重塑海岛空间的再生产。通过以新的视角审视海岛型旅游地的空间结构,为推动以人为本的旅游服务与管理提供决策参考。 Under the background of the vigorous development of island tourism, spatial form is an important perspective to understand the adjustment of man-land relationship in the process of island urbanization and tourism. It is of theoretical and practical significance to focus on, quantify and analyse the influence of the spatial form of island-type tourist destinations on tourists’ footprint and visual behaviour accurately. This paper selects five island-type tourist destinations in Fujian Province with a long history of tourism development and rich forms, based on Lefebvre’s space triad of the production of space theory, and constructs an analytical framework of “map space-footprint space-cognition space”. In detail, using Space Syntax and GIS spatial analysis method to understand the spatial form of island-type tourism destinations based on GPS-tracking data and photos from the Internet, and use Multinomial Logit Model (MNL) to explore the interaction mechanism between island spatial form and tourists’ behaviour. According to the analysis of the characteristics of island spatial form and the distribution of tourists’ footprint and visual behaviour, the result shows: (1) In terms of spatial form, the five islands have formed their own obvious core centre and spatial development axis, and the tourism effect has formed a local sub-centre. Besides, there are rich tourist attractions on the edge of the islands, but the permeability of the road network is poor; (2) The spatial heterogeneity of tourists’ footprints is significant, tourists’ stay behaviour forms a cluster space, and there is a local spatial dislocation between the travel trajectory and the road’s betweenness degree of the islands; (3) MNL model shows that tourists’ location preference is part of the factors of decision-making, and the island spatial form strengthens the tourism cluster effect. Among them, the island land form, road network form, and settlement form are the key points to improve the tourism experience; (4) Tourist behaviour reshapes the reproduction of island space. Overall, this paper provides a new perspective to examine the spatial structure of island tourism destinations and provides a decision-making reference for promoting people-oriented tourism planning and management services. We found that improving the spatial structure of the island and optimizing the layout of tourism facilities, optimizing the landscape system pattern by combining the advantages of island resources, or paying attention to the needs of tourism experience, and diversifying tourism products are conducive to the coordinated development of island tourism.
基于空间图式与空间句法的跨文化居住空间隐性要素归因. 李渊, 张娜, 黄竞雄. 中外建筑, 2021(11): 94-100. Attribution of implicit elements of cross-cultural residential space based on Spatial schema and syntactic analysis: Take Bagua building of Gulangyu historical international settlement as an example. LI Yuan, ZHANG Na, HUANG Jingxiong. Chinese & Overseas Architecture, 2021(11): 94-100. DOI: 10.19940/j.cnki.1008-0422.2021.11.012 → 链接 Hyperlink | 摘要 Abstract
跨文化居住空间作为多文明、多文化、全球化共同交汇形成的建筑类型本身具有特定的历史生成过程,居住空间类型研究对于建筑学、人类学、社会学等学科发展具有重要意义。现有跨文化居住空间类型研究在空间形式等显性要素以及空间类型所设涉及的隐性要素两个方面存在不匹配,且常常将具象的形式混淆为抽象的类型。值得注意的是,跨文化居住空间的隐性要素也是支撑该类型建筑的重要方面,对建筑空间的生成具有不可替代的价值。基于这个逻辑,本研究基于空间图式和空间句法对跨文化居住空间开展定性和定量分析,研究矛头指向跨文化居住空间的抽象秩序与意图、内在规律与结构。研究发现,跨文化形式的借用往往是具象的借鉴和简单的模仿,只影响居住空间的表层结构,而影响居住空间的深层结构仍然是本土的依靠情感和观念而形成的高于自身形式的逻辑原则。研究结果为理解跨文化居住空间的文化间性提供思路,同时有助于丰富对跨文化居住空间的建筑学、人类学和社会学研究的理性探讨。 As an architectural type formed by multi-civilization, multi-culture, and globalization, cross-cultural residential space itself has a specific historical generation process. The study of residential space type is of great significance to the development of architecture, anthropology, sociology, and other disciplines. The existing researches on the types of cross-cultural residential space do not match the dominant elements such as the spatial form and the recessive elements involved in the spatial type and often confuses the concrete form with the abstract type. It is worth noting that the hidden elements of cross-cultural residential space are also an important aspect of supporting this type of architecture, which has irreplaceable value for the generation of architectural space. Based on this logic, this study makes a qualitative and quantitative analysis of cross-cultural residential space based on Spatial schema and spatial syntax, aiming at the abstract order and intention, internal law, and structure of cross-cultural residential space. It is found that the borrowing of cross-cultural forms is often a concrete reference and simple imitation, which only affects the surface structure of residential space, while the deep structure of residential space is still the local logic principle of relying on emotions and ideas, which is higher than its own form. The results of the study provide ideas for understanding the inter-cultural nature of cross-cultural residential space and help to enrich the rational discussion on the architectural, anthropological, and sociological research of cross-cultural residential space.
“合院”类型在展览建筑中的设计探索. 张娜, 王公睿, 黄竞雄*. 城市建筑, 2021, 18(31): 100-104. Design Exploration of “Heyuan” Typology in Exhibition Architecture. ZHANG Na, WANG Gongrui, HUANG Jingxiong*. Urbanism and Architecture, 2021, 18(31): 100-104. DOI: 10.19892/j.cnki.csjz.2021.31.21 → 链接 Hyperlink | 摘要 Abstract
“合院”作为传统建筑类型,因其优越的空间特性和使用弹性,在当代的建筑实践中具有深厚的应用潜力。考虑到“合院”类型和展览馆建筑的特性,本文从结合剖面重构、环境关联、平面转译、功能复合、立面类推、材料演绎等方面展开“合院”类型在展览馆建筑设计中的方法探索。以设计的形式对“合院”类型的抽象与转译,结合生态空间、流动空间与开敞空间提出兼具文化性和地域As a traditional architectural type, “Heyuan” has profound application potential in contemporary architectural practice because of its superior spatial characteristics and flexibility. Considering the “courtyard” type and the characteristics of exhibition hall architecture, this paper explores the method of “courtyard” type in the architectural design of exhibition hall from the perspective of typology, combined with section reconstruction, environmental correlation, plane translation, functional composition, facade analogy, material deduction and so on. Abstract and translate the “courtyard” type in the form of design, combined with ecological space, mobile space, and open space, this paper puts forward the design strategy of exhibition hall architecture with cultural and regional characteristics.
采用SP法的鼓浪屿风琴博物馆展陈空间游览偏好研究. 李渊, 黄竞雄, 王灿, 陈瑶, 华侨大学学报(自然科学版), 2021, 42(4): 474-482. Research of Tourism Preference for Gulangyu Organ Museum Exhibition Space Based on SP Method. LI Yuan, HUANG Jingxiong, WANG Can, Chen Yao, Journal of Huaqiao University (Natural Science), 2021, 42(4): 474-482. DOI: 10.11830/ISSN.1000-5013.202101031 → 链接 Hyperlink | 摘要 Abstract
在文化旅游与存量规划发展的背景下,既有建筑面临着功能转型的契机。对旅游者进行参观行为偏好调查,依据结果进行建筑展陈空间优化,是既有建筑功能活化的重要议题。本研究采用面向个体的陈述性偏好法研究旅游者对博物馆展陈空间的游览偏好,以鼓浪屿风琴博物馆为例,构建离散选择模型揭示空间要素对旅游者产生的效用差异,提出优化策略,增强游览体验。主要结论为:(1)旅游者的展陈空间偏好受到多种因素的影响,从高到低依次是展陈模式、墙面色调、空间形状和地面色调。(2)相较于折线形空间,旅游者对于矩形空间产生了显著的负向效用,对圆形空间则未表现出显著的偏好倾向;旅游者对于墙面的冷色调和暖色调均表现出显著的正向效用,仅对地面的冷色调表现出显著的负向效用。(3)不同性别群体的偏好在展陈模式、空间形状与地面色调上存在差异,在墙面色调上表现一致。(4)根据调查结果调整隔断的形状和色调以及展品的布局,形成展厅之间的效用差异,为馆内游览线路的优化提供依据。 In the context of the development of cultural tourism and inventory planning, existing architecture is facing the opportunity of functional transformation. It is an important issue for adaptive reuse function to investigate tourists’ preference and then optimize the exhibition space for existing architecture. However, between the functional replacement and transformation of architecture, the original functional scale or spatial pattern of existing architecture does not fully meet the need of exhibition functions, which may weaken the experience of tourists to some extents, and is difficult to form an effective relationship and communicate with exhibits. Existing research pays little attention to tourists’ preference indoors, and lacks exploration of individual behaviour modelling and space optimization strategy simulation. As a result, it leads to a logical disconnection between space optimization strategies and tourist behaviour. This study adopts the individual-oriented declarative preference method to study tourists’ preference for museum exhibition space in existing architecture. Taking Gulangyu Organ Museum as an example, constructed a discrete choice model to explore the differences in the utility of attributes to tourists. Then, combining the results of on-site investigations, and propose optimization strategies to strengthen the tour route in the museum and enhance the tourist’ experience. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) Tourists’ preference in exhibition space are affected by many factors, the utility of attributes from high to low, are exhibition mode, wall tone, space shape and ground tone. The direction and degree of each attribute level are all different. It is confirmed that the exhibition mode of exhibits is the main factor that affects the choices of tourists, which conforms to the general low of tourists’ preference. (2) Compared with the polygonal space, tourists have a significant negative effect on the rectangular space but do not show a significant preference tend for the circular space. In terms of spatial tones, tourists have a significant positive effect on both the cool and warm colours of the wall, and only the cool colours on the ground have a significant negative effect. (3) The gender-based group preference model shows differences in the exhibition mode, space shape and ground tone, and same in the preference on the wall tone. (4) Based on the preference of tourists, an entrance partition can be set up for Room No.3 and Room No.4. By adjusting the shape and colour of partitions, and matching the layout of exhibits, the utility difference between the exhibition halls can be formed, which provides a basis for the optimization of tourist routes in the museum.
Research Frameworks, Methodology, and Assessment Methods, Concerning the Adaptive Reuse of Architectural Heritage: A Review. LI Yuan, ZHAO Long, HUANG Jingxiong, Andrew Law, Built Heritage, 2021, 5(1): 6. DOI:10.1186/s43238-021-00025-x → 链接 Hyperlink | 摘要 Abstract
With a growing trend towards global architectural heritage preservation, the adaptive reuse of built heritage buildings is becoming increasingly popular; as commentators have noted, in part this popularity can be attributed to the economic, cultural, and social benefits they provide to urban communities. In considering adaptive reuse urban developers and planners seek to reach an equilibrium in the battle between time and space. Both academically and practically, the adaptive reuse of heritage buildings needs compatible, appropriate, and scientific means for assessing built heritage assets; however, currently, research in this area is still relatively meagre. To address this gap, this paper investigates research frameworks, methodologies, and assessment methods concerning the adaptive reuse of architectural heritage. In this paper we examine current literature on the application paradigm of mixed methodology, the Multi-Criteria Decision Model (MCDM), and the Preference Measurement Model (PMM). Specifically, in examining the extant literature, we explore the way these methods are discussed, compared, and concluded, and the positive functions of these methods are also highlighted. Besides, this review, this paper examines a range of cases for a better understanding of the research framework, methodology, and assessment methods for the adaptive reuse of architectural heritage.
基于旅游者网络评分的民宿竞争力评价研究——以鼓浪屿为例. 黄柔柔, 李渊*, 黄竞雄, 旅游论坛, 2021, 14(1): 27-40. Analysis of Competitiveness of Bed & Breakfast Based on Tourist Internet Scoring: A Case Study of Kulangsu. HUANG Rourou, LI Yuan*, HUANG Jingxiong, Tourism Forum, 2021, 14(1): 27-40. DOI:10.15962/j.cnki.tourismforum.202101003 → 链接 Hyperlink | 摘要 Abstract
在文旅融合背景下,民宿业的发展已经从市场红利驱动的快速崛起阶段,进入到旅游者引导的理性运营阶段。综合分析民宿竞争力并提出相应优化策略,是提升民宿经营服务水平和整体旅游服务质量的关键,但以往研究仍缺乏结合网络评价与空间特征对旅游地民宿竞争力的细致评估。本文以鼓浪屿为例,基于携程网的旅游者的网络评分数据,结合POI分布等空间数据,围绕价格、人气、区位、满意度和住宿接待五个维度构建出鼓浪屿民宿的竞争力评价指标体系,使用AHP层次分析法对指标划分权重,建立评价模型并计算民宿竞争力得分。然后将竞争力评估结果与鼓浪屿空间信息相匹配,得到民宿竞争力的空间分布特征,进而对结果进行相关性检验和文化竞争力塑造的分析。实证研究结果表明:①鼓浪屿民宿竞争力得分呈橄榄型分布特征;②由高至低的民宿竞争力空间表现为“分散—聚集—条带”的走向特征;③民宿竞争力的指标得分相互影响,具有联动性;④民宿竞争力层级内和层级间的关键影响因素可以互相转化。研究提出的技术方法与案例研究充分说明了竞争力评价在旅游民宿产业规划方面的重要性,在对实现民宿业精细化管理,提升旅游住宿业品质,促进文旅深度融合具有现实的借鉴意义。 The development of Kulangsu residential industry has entered the rational operation stage guided by consumers from the rapid rise stage driven by market dividend. The comprehensive analysis of the competitiveness of bed & breakfasts as well as corresponding optimization strategies are the key points to improve the management of residential accommodation and the overall service quality of tourism. However, there is still a lack of research regarding the systematic evaluation on the competitiveness of bed & breakfasts in tourist destinations based on the Internet scoring from tourists and spatial characteristics. Taking Kulangsu as an example, based on Ctrip’s visitor Internet score data and POI spatial data, this paper constructs a competitiveness evaluation system of Kulangsu’s bed & breakfasts around five dimensions: price, popularity, location, satisfaction and accommodation reception. AHP analytic hierarchy is used to divide the weight of indicators. Next, this paper establishes an evaluation model to calculate the scores of bed & breakfasts competitiveness. Then, in order to obtain the spatial distribution characteristics of competitiveness of bed & breakfasts, the results of competitiveness evaluation are matched with the spatial information of Kulangsu. Finally, results are tested with the methods of Spearman correlation and the cultural competitiveness is analyzed. The results show that: (1) the distribution of Kulangsu bed & breakfasts competitiveness scores presents the olive-shaped characteristic so that the medium-level accommodation is more likely to affect the overall supply level of accommodation services as well as the overall view of tourism in Kulangsu; (2) from high to low scores, the space of bed & breakfast competitiveness is characterized by the trend of “scattering-gathering-banding”, and the concept model of the spatial distribution of the competitiveness of bed & breakfast is built; (3) the indicators of bed & breakfasts competitiveness score are interactional: good internal and external environment improves the tourists’ sense of accommodation experience, which leads to high customer satisfaction; (4) The influencing factors that distinguish the first and second level accommodation from the third and fourth level accommodation are location and accommodation reception, and the key factors within and among the competitiveness levels of bed & breakfasts can be converted into each other. Based on the above results, the following suggestions are proposed in this paper: (1) improve the supply system of accommodation at different levels to achieve differentiated development; (2) use regional resources to build characteristic brand of bed & breakfast and build overall cultural brand image of tourism area; (3) improve the internal and external functional facilities of the residential area to rise the overall service quality level; (4) pay more attention to network scoring and establish interactive communication between businesses and tourists through network platform. Overall, the technical methods and case studies put forward in this paper fully illustrate the importance of competitiveness evaluation in the tourism planning of bed & breakfasts. Moreover, this paper has practical reference significance in realizing refined management of tourism industry, improving the quality of service in bed & breakfasts, and promoting the deep integration of culture and tourism.
海岛旅游地国土空间开发适宜性评价与优化策略——以普陀山为例. 李渊, 黄竞雄, 李莹, 城市建筑, 2021, 18(4): 39-44. Suitability Evaluation and Optimization Strategy for Land Development in Island Tourism Destinations: A Case of Mount Putuo. LI Yuan, HUANG Jingxiong, LI Ying, Urbanism and Architecture, 2021, 18(4): 39-44. DOI:10.19892/j.cnki.csjz.2021.04.09 → 链接 Hyperlink | 摘要 Abstract
海岛旅游地拥有丰富的旅游资源,然而当前我国海岛旅游地的开发呈现低层次和缺乏科学研究的盲目性。本文以加权线性组合方法构造模型,采用层次分析法建立海岛旅游地国土空间开发适宜性评价体系,选取自然条件、景观资源和社会经济等三大评价因素、九项评价因子分析浙江舟山普陀山海岛旅游地的国土空间开发适宜性。结果表明,普陀山适宜开发利用区、基本适宜开发利用区、限制生态开发利用区、生态保护区、禁止开发区等五种类型区域所占面积分别占全岛总面积的1.63%、17.04%、69.07%、8.66%、3.60%。本文根据实证结果,提出了普陀山海岛旅游地的国土空间利用优化策略、开发时序和规划功能结构。 Island tourism destination has rich tourism resources. However, the development of island tourism in China is currently at a low level and lacks scientific research. This paper construct model by weighted linear combination method, using analytic hierarchy process to establish the evaluation system of land space development suitability of island tourism destinations. Three evaluation factors, natural conditions, landscape resources, social economy are selected, and nine detailed evaluation factors are used to analyze the suitability of land development of Putuoshan Island in Zhoushan, Zhejiang Province. The results show that the area of five types areas, including suitable development and utilization areas, basic development and utilization areas, restricted ecological development and utilization areas, ecological protection areas, and prohibited development areas account for 1.63%, 17.04%, 69.07%, 8.66%, 3.60% of the whole island respectively. Then this paper proposes optimization strategy, development timing plan and planning functional structure of land use in island tourism destinations.
基于BIM技术的建筑遗产信息管理初探——以鼓浪屿八卦楼为例. 李渊, 陈瑶, 张可寒, 黄竞雄, 城市建筑, 2020, 17(31): 110-113. Preliminary Study on the Information Management of Architectural Heritage Based on BIM Technology: A Case of Eight Diagrams House in Kulangsu. LI Yuan, CHEN Yao, ZHANG Kehan, HUANG Jingxiong, Urbanism and Architecture, 2020, 17(31): 110-113. DOI:10.19892/j.cnki.csjz.2020.31.27 → 链接 Hyperlink | 摘要 Abstract
建筑文化信息整理是建筑遗产保护的重要组成部分,但传统的记录建档工作模式难以满足现代需求。基于此,本研究以鼓浪屿八卦楼为例,通过数字技术和信息化建模手段构建遗产信息管理系统,探讨了BIM技术在鼓浪屿历史建筑遗产保护方面的利用价值,试图结合新技术建立鼓浪屿建筑文化遗产信息管理体系。研究发现:①BIM技术解决了建筑遗产的图文信息联系断裂和信息混乱的问题,信息数据的实时更改与共享大大提高了整理过程的效率与数据的再利用率;②BIM技术将建筑信息与”族”构件结合,用户可使用构件搭建模型完成建筑信息数字化集成。 Architectural cultural information collation is an important part of architectural heritage protection. But the traditional record- building work model cannot meet modern needs. By taking Eight Diagrams House in Kulangsu as an example, digital technology and information modelling methods are used to construct a scientific heritage information management system, and the value of BIM technology in the protection of Kulangsu’s historical architectural heritage are discussed so as to establish an information management system for Kulangsu’s architectural cultural heritage with new technologies. The research found that: 1)BIM technology can solve the problem of the broken connection between graphic and text information and information confusion of architectural heritage. It can realize real-time modification and sharing, which greatly improves the efficiency and reuse rate of information management.2) The building information can be combined with “family” components by BIM. Then the components can be used to build a digital model to complete the digital integration of building information.
基于绿视衰减曲线的历史街区步行环境绿视感知评价——以厦门市中山路同文片区为例. 李渊, 黄竞雄, 风景园林, 2020, 27(11): 110-115. Evaluation of Green View Perception of Walking Environment in Historical Blocks Based on Green View Attenuation Curve: A Case Study of Tongwen Area, Zhongshan Road of Xiamen. LI Yuan, HUANG Jingxiong, Landscape Architecture, 2020, 27(11): 110-115. DOI:10.14085/j.fjyl.2020.11.0110.06 → 链接 Hyperlink | 摘要 Abstract
在历史文化街区的更新活化中,绿色植物在改善步行体验上具有重要的作用,如何平衡绿视体验与土地占用面积则备受学界关注。现有研究常见基于主体的街道可步行性评价方法,缺乏从客体角度出发的步行视觉感知分析方法。以厦门市中山路历史文化街区同文片区为例,测度街区内道路的绿视率指标,绘制不同绿化模块的”绿视率衰减曲线”,提出计算最大绿视范围的方法。研究发现:1)乔灌组合、大乔木、绿化小品与幂律模型拟合优度较高,盆栽和垂直绿化与指数模型拟合优度较高,最大绿视范围从高到低依次为大乔木、乔灌组合、绿化小品、垂直绿化、盆栽。2)中山路—思明南路沿线绿视率提升空间较大,鹭江道—镇海路沿线绿视率较高;内部支路中青石巷、同文路、泰山路绿视率较高,钱炉灰埕巷、钓仔路、水仙路和定安路绿视率较低。3)绿化设施布局的不合理降低了街区遗产要素对于访客的吸引力,商业气息弱化了访客对于街区文化要素的感知。研究旨在将绿视率指标二维化,为绿视率的定量研究和应用提供参考。 In the renewal and revitalization of historical and cultural blocks, green plants play an important role in improving the walking experience. How to strike a balance between better green view experience and less land occupation areas has attracted much academic attention. The existing researches are largely based on the evaluation of walkability around the subject, but lack analysis of walking visual perception from the perspective of the object. Taking Tongwen area of Zhongshan Road Historical and Cultural Block in Xiamen as an example, this paper measures green view rate of roads in the block, and draws the “green view attenuation curve” of greening modules, proposing a method for calculating the maximum green view range. The result shows: 1) Arbor-shrubs, arbor trees and street greening fit better with the power-law fitting model, while potted plants and vertical greening fit better with the exponential fitting model. The maximum green view range from high to low is arbor-shrubs, arbor trees, street greening, vertical greening and potted plants. 2) There is much room for improvement the green view along Zhongshan Road – Siming South Road, and the green view rate along Lujiang Avenue – Zhenhai Road is high. While Qingshi Lane, Tongwen Road and TaishanRoad have good green view levels, Qianluhuicheng Lane, Diaozai Road, Shuixian Road and Ding’an Road have poor green view levels. 3) The layout of greening facilities reduces the attraction ofheritage elements to visitors, while commercial atmosphere has weakened visitors’ perception of the block’s cultural elements. This paper aims to make green view rate two-dimensionalize, and provide a new perspective for quantitative research and application of green view rate.
基于共生理论的历史文化街区旅游概念规划研究——以厦门市中山路片区为例. 李渊, 黄竞雄, 李芝也, 中国名城, 2020(9): 35-41. Research on Conceptual Tourism Planning of Xiamen Zhongshan Historical and Cultural Block Based on Symbiosis Theory. LI Yuan, HUANG Jingxiong, LI Zhiye, China Ancient City, 2020(9): 35-41. DOI:10.19924/j.cnki.1674-4144.2020.09.006 → 链接 Hyperlink | 摘要 Abstract
历史文化街区作为旧城的核心,是城市更新的重点区域,发展旅游已成为街区重要的更新方法之一。然而,目前历史文化街区旅游发展面临着文化发展不充分、商业同质化程度高、开发深度不足等问题,削弱了旅游者对于文化价值的感知,一定程度上阻碍了街区的文化遗产保护与传承,而共生理论对于不同单元在同一环境中的协同发展提出了可借鉴的思路。对我国历史文化街区的旅游发展进行探讨,以厦门市中山路历史文化街区为例,应用文本数据进行旅游者旅游意象的研读,结合历史文化的挖掘,基于共生理论提出旅游概念规划方案。研究发现:(1)旅游者对于中山路历史文化街区的文化意象感知显著低于商业感知,未能形成良好的文旅共生关系;(2)中山路步行街业态发展同质化程度高,存在降低吸引力的风险;(3)街区内部街巷杂乱闭塞,阻碍文化-商业-旅游三类单元的良性互动。基于此认知,引入共生理论,建立文化-商业-旅游共生体系,为历史文化街区旅游发展中不同共生单元之间的互利共生提供可借鉴的方法与理论体系。 As the core of old city, historical and cultural blocks are the focus of urban renewal, and developing tourism has become an important method for renewal of such blocks. However, current development of historical and cultural blocks faces problems such as insufficient cultural development, homogenization of commercial development and insufficient development depth, which has weakened tourists’ perception of cultural heritage, leading to obstacles to the protection and transmission of cultural heritage in the blocks Symbiosis Theory proposes a concept that can be used for collaborative development of different units in the same environment. This paper discusses tourism development of China’s historical and cultural blocks, and takes Xiamen Zhongshan Road historical and cultural block as an example, uses text data to research image of this block and excavate history and culture of this block, then proposes a tourism concept planning based on symbiosis theory. This paper found that: 1) Tourists perception of cultural imagery on Zhongshan Road is significantly lower than commercial perception, failing to form a good symbiotic relationship between culture and tourism. 2) Zhongshan Road has a high degree of homogeneity in development, and there is a risk of reducing attractiveness. 3) Cluttered lanes inside this block have a negative impact on the benign interaction of culture-commerce tourism units. Based on this cognition, this paper introduces Symbiosis Theory to establish a culture-commerce-tourism symbiosis system, which can provide a method and theoretical system for mutually beneficial symbiosis between different symbiosis units in the development of tourism in historical and cultural blocks.
环境心理学虚拟仿真实验的设计与实践——以建筑空间与行为分析虚拟仿真实验为例. 邱鲤鲤, 黄竞雄, 饶金通, 李渊, 中国房地产, 2020(27): 56-63. Design and Practice of Virtual Simulation Experiment of Environmental Psychology: Taking the Virtual Simulation Experiment of Architectural Space and Behavior Analysis as An Example. QIU Lili, HUANG Jingxiong, RAO Jintong, LI Yuan, China Real Estate, 2020(27): 56-63. DOI:10.13562/ → 链接 Hyperlink | 摘要 Abstract
基于摄影照片与眼动实验的旅游者视觉行为分析——以厦门大学为例. 李渊, 高小涵, 黄竞雄, 吴冕, 旅游学刊, 2020, 35(9): 41-52. Visual Behavior Analysis of Tourists Based on Photography and Eye-tracking Experiment——A Case of Xiamen University. LI Yuan, GAO Xiaohan, HUANG Jingxiong, WU Mian, Tourism Tribune, 2020, 35(9): 41-52. DOI:10.19765/j.cnki.1002-5006.2020.09.009 → 链接 Hyperlink | 摘要 Abstract
视觉行为是旅游者空间行为研究的重要组成部分。摄影照片是视觉行为研究的重要载体,眼动实验能够更加客观、精确地分析旅游者视觉特征,这两者的结合能够为旅游者视觉行为研究提供新的视角。文章以厦门大学为例,利用网络大数据获取旅游照片,归纳旅游者游览后构建的目的地形象特征及视觉偏好,关注于”旅游凝视”的”凝”,从全局角度筛选眼动实验刺激物,通过眼动实验分析旅游者观看旅游景观时的视觉注意力,并结合问卷调查阐释体验过程。研究发现:(1)案例地中建筑被拍摄次数最多,历史文化和自然要素拍摄较少;(2)对5类旅游景观按注视频率高低进行排序,依次是:建筑、开敞空间、特色文化、自然要素和历史文化,注视频率与拍摄次数体现的视觉偏好在具体节点存在差别;(3)特色文化吸引旅游者注意力最快,其次为自然要素和历史文化;(4)旅游者印象最深且最喜欢的景观类别为自然要素,对建筑和历史文化回忆程度最低,历史文化喜爱程度最低。在作用机制上,建筑元素和历史文化元素的解译和愉悦感获取需要一定的前置信息作为支持,否则较难留下深刻印象和愉悦感,特色文化要素、自然要素和开敞空间要素包含较多美学信息,易于实现从物像到视像再到心像的转变。 Visual behavior is an important part of tourists’ temporal and spatial behavior. Photo, as a visual epitome, is an important source of information for the study of visual behavior. However, the extent of revealing the specific contents of tourists’ attention in “heterogeneous and mixed” scenes is limited. The development of eye movement technology provides new data and new opportunities for the study of visual behavior, which can more objectively and accurately analyze the visual characteristics of tourists and pay attention to specific content. From the perspective of tourism subject, tourists’ understanding of destination image, behavior rules and perception preferences for different types of landscapes are important reference information for destination marketing, planning and management. Based on the tourists’ vision, this paper takes Xiamen University as a case, uses big data on the Internet to obtain the tourists’ photos, and uses Nvivo 10 to conduct qualitative analysis based on the grounded theory to summarize the destination image characteristics and visual preferences constructed after tourists’ visit. Focusing on the“congealing” of “tourism gaze”, this paper selects eye movement experimental stimuli from a global perspective, tracks the visual behavior of tourists when they watch the tourism landscape through eye movement experiments, and analyzes the visual attention of tourists. Questionnaire analysis of emotional preferences as a supplement to the whole process of gaze to experience. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) Architecture is the most frequently photographed node in the network, and tourists take fewer photos of historical and cultural nodes and natural elements; (2) Five types of tourism landscape are arranged in order of gaze frequency: architecture, open space, characteristic culture, historical culture and natural elements. There are differences in specific node preferences, such as Furong Lake and Tunnel murals, belong to high-frequency photo content, low eye-tracking stimulus; (3) Characteristic culture attracts tourists’ attention fastest, followed by natural elements, history and culture; (4) The most favorite landscape types with the deepest impression are natural elements, open space and characteristic culture. Tourists have the lowest recall of historic culture with the lowest popularity. Different types of elements have different effects on tourists’ experience: destination logo image has strong attraction to tourists, but brings limited recollection and pleasure. Natural elements are in a relatively strong position in visual preference, but provide tourists with the most recollection and pleasure. Regarding the mechanism of action, the interpretation of architecture elements and history and culture elements, including obtain pleasure from them, requires certain preliminary information as support, otherwise it will be more difficult to leave a deep impression and sense of pleasure. While characteristic culture elements, nature elements and open space elements contain more aesthetic information, and it is easy to realize the transformation from object image to visual image, and to mental image finally. The differences between visual behavior and perceptual behavior provide evidence for the experience that tourist gaze is not completely dominated by vision, but composed of body. Corresponding to the experience of tourism presence and recollection, this paper leads to the mode of understanding the construction and perception of tourists’ destination image. In addition, according to the construction of the media for tourists’ experience, one of the preconditions for desktop eye movement experiment to simulate the on-site experience is that tourists stay in the expected experience stage for the destination image and imagination, and it is more reasonable to take the tourists who have not visited the case as the survey sample.
历史建筑空间再利用之句法解析——以鼓浪屿八卦楼为例. 李渊, 黄竞雄, 李芝也, 张品文, 建筑遗产, 2020(3): 88-93. Space Syntax Analysis of the Reuse of Historic Buildings: A Case Study of the Eight Diagrams House in Kulangsu, Xiamen. LI Yuan, HUANG Jingxiong, LI Zhiye, ZHANG Pinwen, Architectural Heritage, 2020(3): 88-93. DOI:10.19673/j.cnki.ha.2020.03.010 → 链接 Hyperlink | 摘要 Abstract
文章以鼓浪屿历史建筑八卦楼为例,提出博物馆功能介入后的空间优化建议与策略,探索一种空间研究的新模式,即以传统与技术、定性与定量结合互补的方法,完成对八卦楼空间分析与改造的科学验证与补充。研究发现:当前博物馆的功能植入未能充分考虑其历史价值的传承与发扬;馆内展陈流线单一,局部有重复或者冲突的现象,总体不合理;陈列品与建筑空间的呼应欠缺,关系生硬,缺乏互动。结合空间句法,在量化评价的基础上,研究提出了”定位-重现-融合”的历史空间再利用原则。 Taking the Eight Diagrams House in Kulangsu as an example, this article puts forward suggestions and strategies for the refinement of the exhibition space after the museum functions were added to the historic building. It explores a new mode of space study by combining the conventional and the new analytical methods to complete the scientific verification and supplement of space analysis and transformation. The article reveals that the current function implantation of the museum failed to fully consider the inheritance and development of its historical value. There are partial repetitions and conflicts in the only tour route of this museum, which is generally unreasonable, and the relationship between exhibits and the architectural space is rigid and lacks interaction. Furthermore, combined with space syntax, on the basis of quantitative evaluation, the article proposes a reuse principle of ‘positioning–reappearance–convergence’ for historic space.
From Functional Space to Experience Space: Applying space syntax analysis to a museum in China. LI Yuan, HUANG Jingxiong, YANG Linchuan, International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development A: Planning Strategies and Design Concepts, 2020. 8(2): 86-99. DOI:10.14246/irspsda.8.2_86 WOS:000526962700007 → 链接 Hyperlink | 摘要 Abstract
Space syntax starts from the ontology of space to quantify the space and uses mathematical logic to reveal and describe the logic of the space structure. However, the application of space syntax analysis to museums in China has rarely been explored. In light of this, this study employs space syntax to analyse the Gulangyu Organ Museum (Xiamen, China) and uses the topological depth, visual graph analysis, and agent simulation to describe the structure of the museum space. Accordingly, several suggestions are proposed, including rearranging the layout of the museum’s functions and transforming the museum from functional space to experience space. This study can serve as a valuable reference for the application of space syntax in the design and optimization of space design and functional layout. We believe that the findings of this study can also be applied to other cultural institutions (e.g., galleries) with similar characteristics.
情景交融人岛共生——黄官岛数字海岛概念设计方案. 李渊, 黄竞雄, 吕一平, 高小涵, 洪嘟嘟, 张品文, 城市建筑, 2019, 16(4): 88-90. Scenario Blending and Ecological Island —— Huangguan Island Digital Island Concept Design. LI Yuan, HUANG Jingxiong, LV Yiping, GAO Xiaohan, HONG Dudu, ZHANG Pinwen, Urbanism and Architecture, 2019, 16(4): 88-90. DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1673-0232.2019.04.017 → 链接 Hyperlink | 摘要 Abstract
文中介绍了福建省福清市黄官岛的数字海岛概念设计,针对”未来数字海岛”的发展概念,从不同使用情景出发,提出”多情景规划”设计概念,重在体现未来黄官岛的智能化与数字化如何与规划设计结合,对数据支持下的智慧海岛设计进行了有益的探索。 This paper introduces the concept of“ Digital Island” in the digital island concept design of Huangguan Island, Fuqing City, Fujian Province. In view of the development concept of“ Digital Island in the Future”, the designer proposes the concept of“ Scenario Planning” from different usage scenarios, focusing on how the intelligent and digitalization of Huangguan Island can be combined with planning and design in the future, and takes an useful exploration of data-supported design of the smart island.
基于CityEngine的闽南嘉庚风格建筑参数化设计研究. 李渊, 黄竞雄, 王绍森, 李立新, 饶金通, 邱鲤鲤. 数字技术·建筑全生命周期——2018年全国建筑院系建筑数字技术教学与研究学术研讨会论文集. 2018: 225-230. 西安:长安大学. Research on the Parametric Design of Minnan Jiageng Style Building Based on CityEngine. LI Yuan, HUANG Jingxiong, WANG Shaosen, LI Lixin, RAO Jintong, QIU Lili. Digital Technology Building Life Cycle: Proceedings of the 2018 National Academic Seminar on Architecture Digital Technology Teaching and Research, 2018: 225-230. Xi’an: Chang’an University. → 链接 Hyperlink | 摘要 Abstract